Tuesday, October 2, 2007


here where you can find all my works in (web designing) and some of my graphic and architecture works...........

first of all.....my blogs and websites.......


this site is especialist in italian football......coz am a big fan of italian football..i decided to start making a site about italy.....and calcio ,coz i belive it's the best in the world.....although am egyption but i consider italy as my second home....and this blog is special to me as it was the first one of my network....... hope u like it........


quotes book.....wow......i love quotes.....quotes are inspiration to the soul and body.....i can't live without quotes......some of them are funny and others and romantic...and others are about wars ..........i really hope u love quotes like me.......


do u know much about google adsense? if u don't know then it's ur place to be......this site can give u tips and tutorials about getting started with google adsense.....if u know google and working with it....then it's ur place too,here i posted some prescious tips and points about google adsense and how u can be a millionir with it.....don't waste your time.......it's a chance.....hold it tightly........


an arabic form site.....explains how u can make money online with affiliate programes and google adsense and ptc companies.......well it's true u can get money online if u want to do so....but it's little hard to do in the begginning but after that,u gonna be richy......


this site is about ptc companies...i managed to collect only truely sites and companies here......it's profity to make and hard to do so....but results are awesome.....belive it or not.....u GONNA BE RICH.........


news egypt........it's abvious it's about egypt......but also in arabic form.....only this is in arabic and fund-free site......it's all about what is happeing in the streets and how we can overcome our problems.......there is alot of problems in egypt......every thing is getting expensive.....and there is no money.......and there is alot of laws that had to be considered for revising.....but we are talking to our selves....no body hear and see.......that's why i made this one......


this one is about------PHOTOSHOP------have u ever dreamed about having your photos been better with some effects and filters....???....well every thing is here for FREE......all u have to do is to give me the link of your photo..and i will make u a superstar......easy and u won't lose anything to do so.....just try it for free.....by the way.....i think u are asking your self now...why i'm doing this for free.....i'll tell u>>>coz i need to train in photoshop as it's my career to be a professional in photoshop and u r gonna help me make ur photos and get bennifit too.......


according to the succses of italian football fans site...i decided to make a lot of branches of football......and this one is about spain liga and their teams......hope u like it....


the english part of football fans network....english teams and premier league teams and stuff.......all in english and more ....

that's my websites.....but if u wanna know more about my graphic and architecture portfolio >>>>>>>>>>>
that's my account on facebook
facebook: http://www.new.facebook.com/profile.php?v=feed&id=586282373
coroflot: http://www.coroflot.com/individual/all_portfolio_files.asp

for contact....



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