Monday, September 29, 2008

Gallas Content With Fourth Spot?

Arsenal captain William Gallas hopes his team-mates did not take visiting Hull City lightly prior to their weekend loss, and states that Arsenal will have to try their hardest to stay in fourth spot.

Hull City travelled to the Emirates Stadium on Saturday in the knowledge that they were firm underdogs considering Arsenal's impeccable home record and recent form.

However, it was the Tigers who claimed all three points and the Gunners suffered their second loss of the season against opposition that they should not even be drawing with, let alone losing to.

Captain William Gallas says he hopes his side did not go into the game expectant of the win, and insists that fourth place my be the club's only hope, but they will have to try their hardest to stay there. 

He told Arsenal TV Online: "If we think like this [expecting the win] we will not go anywhere... The players were ready to play a strong game, we were not lucky and we have to work more and try to stay in the fourth position."

"It's very difficult to accept. We said all the time we wanted to win every game and we lost 2-1 to Hull City."

"They showed the character, they showed they can play football. They were very strong and we were not strong enough, so we have to forget that game and think about the next game on Tuesday [against FC Porto]."


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