Monday, September 29, 2008

Wenger Foresees English Domination In Europe

Arsene Wenger believes that this season's Champions League final could contain two club's from the Premier League for the second successive season.

For the first time in it's history the Champions League final was contested by two English club's last season in Moscow with penalty kicks the only way to split Manchester United from Chelsea, who missed the opportunity to become the first London club to lift the European cup.

Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger believes that Premier League club's will once again dominate the competition this season and sees no reason why Rome cannot be an all-English affair.

Wenger is quoted by the Guardian Series as saying: "The four Premier League clubs will have a big say in who wins the Champions League. No question."

"Every club in Europe now knows that if they are drawn against an English team then it will be very hard," he concluded.


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