Thursday, October 2, 2008

Big Phil: Anelka Can Go If He Is Unhappy

Chelsea manager Luiz Felipe Scolari has declared that any unhappy member of his squad is free to leave the club in January. It is believed that his words are aimed in particular at Nicolas Anelka...

The French striker has benefitted since last January from Didier Drogba's absence from the Chelsea line-up through either international commitment or injury.

Anelka started this season as the club's main striker while the Ivorian recovered from the knee trouble that has plagued him on and off for 12 months.

However, now that Drogba is fighting fit, Anelka has seen his place in the side once again under threat and he was allegedly unhappy with his limited involvement against Stoke City at the weekend. 

Luiz Felipe Scolari wants to foster a collective team-spirit at Stamford Bridge, and wants any member of the squad with the wrong attitude to leave as soon as possible.

He told the press: "What I want from all my players is that they're happy they play for Chelsea, rather than only if they're playing in the team. I want Drogba clean and ready. Anelka has gone three months without an injury, so the choice is mine, whether it's a, b or c.

"This is Chelsea, we're a team, a group. If players are unhappy then in January they will be out. Any player. They need to understand they all win as a group. Any player who's here for themselves needs to go somewhere else."


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