Thursday, October 2, 2008

Crouch Stunned By Spurs' Sol Attack

Portsmouth striker Peter Crouch has voiced his disgust at the abuse Sol Campbell received during last weekend's clash against Tottenham Hotspur...

Police have launched an enquiry into the rowdy behaviour of Spurs supporters during their club's 2-0 loss at Fratton Park.

"A complaint has been received and it will be investigated fully," a police spokesperson told The Sun.

Most alarming of all the accusations levelled at the Lilywhites fans is that they racially vilified Portsmouth skipper Campbell, who earned the nickname 'Judas' when he left White Hart Lane for Arsenal in 2001.

While the 34-year-old has grown accustomed to the insults hurled at him by the still-bitter Tottenham faithful, the degree of abuse he was subjected to last weekend shocked the Pompey players, staff and supporters.

Crouch, also a former Spur, has copped plenty of stick throughout his career due to his awkward, gangly appearance - but even he was appalled by the chants aimed at Campbell.

"I am not often surprised but I was by the events of the weekend," the former Liverpool player said in The Sun.

"There is not a player in the Premier League or playing today who has not suffered abuse from other fans at one time or another.

"We all expect some banter but on Sunday a line was crossed. That is why people are still talking about it."


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